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Make Moving Day Go Smoothly

Make Moving Day Go Smoothly by Avoiding These 6 Common Mistakes:

Moving day can be stressful, but planning ahead can help you avoid last-minute chaos and panic. Preparation is key for a successful move. By taking the time to plan and organize your move, you can prevent many of the common pitfalls that lead to stress on moving day.

At Grunts Move Junk & Moving we accommodate last-minute calls for our moving services the best we can, but depending on when you plan to move, its a good idea to call 3-4 weeks ahead if you’re flexible on dates and times, but 4-6 weeks ahead if there is a specific date you need to move. Avoiding the following mistakes can help you keep cool, calm, and collected on moving day:

Common Moving Mistakes To Avoid

1. Not scheduling your moving services well in advance

We do our very best to get last-minute moves on the schedule, but in busier months we are often booking 3-4 weeks our for any sort of specificity whatsoever. So if you need moving services to get you out of your home or apartment by the end of a month, or on a specific purchase/sale closing date, PLEASE do yourself a favor and call as soon as you know. If you rent and will need to be out by the last day of the month, its wise to schedule your move a few days before the end of the month, if possible, to leave a little wiggle room.

So if possible, call Grunts Move Junk & Moving 4-6 weeks before you need our award winning moving services, just to be on the safe side.

2. Not following a checklist

You don’t relocate every day, so it’s not a routine for you. There are so many details to consider, such as packing your belongings and hiring a moving company, that it’s easy to overlook or forget something. Having a list can help you stay organized and take all the necessary steps. Include things like:

• Moving supplies (tape, boxes, bubble wrap)
• Each room of the house
• Each bathroom
• Each closet
• Garage
• Attic
• Basement
• Shed
• Pantry
• Refrigerator and freezer (make sure they’re empty)
• Medicine cabinets
• Disconnect all appliances you plan to take with you
• Transfer utilities to your new home
• Change address with the post office

3. Not decluttering or trimming down your belongings

Don’t waste time and effort wrapping and packing items you have no use for or probably even forgot you had. Do you really want to unpack them and find a new place for those unwanted items in your new home? Do yourself a favor and repurpose them before you go. A bonus to getting rid of clutter is that the moving crew will have fewer items to move, which means you could save time and money.

Try these options to downsize:

• Garage sale
• Apps to sell items
• Charity pickups
Grunts Move Junk & Moving junk removal service

4. Waiting until the last minute

If you’re a procrastinator, start planning ahead of time and, if possible, find an accountability partner. If you continue to put off preparation, you will be forced to rush, which may result in mistakes. A good rule of thumb is to give yourself a month to prepare everything for moving day. That way, you can tackle things in small chunks without getting overwhelmed. When packing your items, give yourself 1-2 days per room. Find out what the movers can and can’t take for you ahead of time. That way, you can arrange for other transportation or dispose of the items. For example, did you know they may not be able to move your plants? Not only could bugs get into the truck, but if you’re crossing certain state lines, it could be a legal issue.

Items your movers can’t transport for you:

• Lawn equipment and grills that haven’t been drained of gasoline or other chemicals
• Chemicals such as bleach, pesticides, nail polish
• Fireworks
• Bullets
• Paint/paint remover

5. Not preparing a box of your essentials

When you get to your new place, you’ll have to unpack all of your items. You’ll probably be exhausted, and if you suddenly need something important, you may not be able to find it among the mass of boxes lying around. After the stress of the day, the last thing you want to do is hunt through boxes to get what you need. That’s why you should prepare an essentials box with items such as:

• Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, shampoo)
• A fresh change of clothes
• Medications
• Snacks (for people and pets)
• Towels to dry off after a shower since you’ll want to wash off the sweat and stress from the day

6. Not doing a final walk-through

You’ve had a lot on your plate lately, and the day has probably felt like a blur of activity. There’s a good chance that you could overlook something important with everything that’s been going on. That’s why you need to take a moment and go through each room in your house. Don’t forget the garage, basement, or attic. The final walk-through helps you avoid any stressful surprises later on.

Preparation is Key To Avoid Moving Day Mistakes

As moving day approaches, it’s essential to be organized and plan in advance. What’s often overlooked in the moving process is the need to prepare for the actual move itself. By planning and packing ahead of time, you can avoid the mad last-minute rush that can cause you to overlook important details. And when you are ready, call Grunts Move Junk & Moving to schedule your move.
